The Emotion Code is an amazing healing technique developed by a holistic chiropractor, Dr. Bradley Nelson. It is believed that 80% of the imbalances we suffer from are emotional in nature and may cause many different physical issues within the body by distorting our energy field. When our body is in discomfort or diseased this is a message from our bodies telling us that its not feeling very well and needs our help to enable it to heal.
During our lifetime we accumulate trapped emotions which in essence are little energy imbalances and as we journey through life and experience the good and the bad however that has come to us, be it from childhood traumas, divorce, grief, heartache the list goes on.... these trapped emotions pile up and generally seek out weak areas in our body and settle there, in turn, these imbalances (trapped emotions) build up and can then turn into physical issues we all experience with our health, which is now being proved by science.
Every single one of us, including our children and pets, have trapped emotions and we can have anywhere between 100s to 1000s of trapped emotions depending on how one deals with their emotions. These trapped emotions weigh us all down like heavy baggage and as well as causing physical issues they can also keep us stuck in how we react to certain situations. Phobias, sea sickness, ticks and anxiety could also have its root issue being cause by trapped emotion(s). What I am trying to show is that almost anything could have an emotional imbalance behind it and whatever your issue, if we don't deal with the root cause the problem won't go away. We can cover the issue up by taking various medication this may help for a while but is unlikely to solve the problem or it will push the problem elsewhere in the body.
The good news is The Emotion Code is a way of releasing these trapped emotions to enable the body to find balance and heal itself. It can allow us to feel lighter, calmer, more confident in ourselves, less triggered by certain situations as we peel away these emotions allowing ourselves to feel again and choose differently rather than being triggered by all the old inherent baggage, beliefs and memories we have created throughout our lifetime. The Emotion Code is not a talking therapy, so nobody needs to drag everything up from the past. Instead, I target issues that are causing you, your child, or your animal a problem be that a physical issue or an emotional issue using muscle testing and I release it by swiping a magnet or my hand (as we are all magnetic) over the governing meridian a few times which releases the trapped emotion from our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind knows and remembers everything in fact our subconscious mind basically runs the show as our conscious mind only makes up 1% of our thinking so all those automated responses we have and the automatic way in which we drive our cars all comes from the subconscious mind.
Our Heart-wall is another area where emotions can get trapped and have quite a significant impacts on us. You may have experienced times in your life where you have felt that physical sensation we refer to as “heartache.” This feeling of pressure or discomfort in the chest and throat may occur when someone is hurting us or we have a deep sense of grief or loss. Dr. Bradley Nelson believes that if you have this experience more than a couple of times in your life, your subconscious mind may form an “energy wall” to protect your heart against further heartache. We refer to this wall of energy as the “Heart-Wall.” The “Heart Wall” is created by the subconscious mind in order to protect the heart from further injury. Having a Heart Wall can block your ability to give and receive love freely. It can cause depression, isolation, anxiety, low self esteem and self sabotage. It can also interfere with our creative abilities, personal success and physical healing.
It can leave you feeling disconnected and unfulfilled. Have you ever felt this way? Like you were on the outside looking in? Have you felt blocked from giving or receiving love? Have you had too much difficulty recovering from loss? A divorce? Abuse? If so it is likely you have a Heart wall. The good news is that clearing it is easy and can be life changing. Don’t wait any longer to remove your Heart Wall and open your heart to feeling true deep love and happiness again.
It generally takes between two to six sessions to clear a person’s Heart-Wall.
Below is a short you tube video from the founder Dr Bradley Nelson giving a brief explanation on "What is the Emotion code?"
There are 2 options either remote appointments or face to face in person appointments.
Remote Appointments:
In general these are done by video call either via Zoom or WhatsApp however it is not necessary that you are present, as this is energy healing work and energy has no boundaries. During the appointment I connect into either your, your childs or animals subconscious mind whether you are online with me or not, as our subconscious mind remembers everything that has ever happened to us, so will guide me on what needs to be released. However I do advise you to be present for your first appointment at least so you can see how it works and can ask any questions you have. There is nothing you are required to do apart from watch me.
The mechanism for finding, decoding and releasing these trapped emotions is by using muscle testing on my own body to release the trapped emotions from the persons subconscious mind. There is no pain involved with releasing trapped emotions, some people feel the energy release others don't.
Your first appointment maybe a little longer than subsequent appointments as I will provide an explanation on what will happen, what the emotions I am releasing mean and how it works.
If you are unable to be present or don't wish to be, I will contact you prior to your appointment and ask you what you wish me to work on or we can just work in the bodies priority order. I will then feedback to you after your appointment with the trapped emotions that were released along with any further information that came to light during the session as I decoded the emotions.
Face to Face in person appointments:
Please Note: Face to Face appointments presently unavailable can only offer remotely
These would be at my my clinic in Bourne End they are 1 hour appointments and I use non invasive muscle testing on your body asking your body questions to decode the trapped emotions that are ready to be released. You remain fully clothed, I generally use an arm muscle but if this is not possible then a leg muscle will work just as well.
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