Kinesiology uses non-invasive muscle testing to identify, assess and treat imbalances in the body and mind. Today there are many different forms of kinesiology and it’s used by chiropractors, osteopaths, nutritionists, doctors and physicians around the world.
Kinesiology is a holistic therapy initially developed in the 1960’s by an American chiropractor. It uses muscle testing as a diagnostic tool to gain information about the body’s organs and systems. With kinesiology you can identify the root cause of your problems as well as the best course of action to restore your health.
Each muscle is controlled by electrical circuits in the body, via the central nervous system. Each circuit involves muscles, organs and meridians. By assessing the strength of a muscle we can get an idea as to the general balance/strength of that muscle and/or the organs and system related to it. It is important to stress that Kinesiology and muscle testing does not diagnose disease. Muscle testing allows analysis which detects functional imbalances. If these imbalances are ignored and allowed to accumulate disease may follow. Each treatment is tailored to the clients individual needs.
The body has an immense capacity to self-heal, given the right circumstances. Kinesiology does not diagnose disease, but can identify what is not working properly and how to change that.
As already touched upon Kinesiology is a natural way of balancing the body using muscle testing to correct imbalances in the body on a physical, nutritional, emotional and energetically to promote and restore health and wellbeing. In essence we are able to talk to the body using muscle testing, tapping into our subconscious mind to find out what our body needs to support balance and heal. With Kinesiology, we work with the four different realms to achieve balance these are:
Structural - this realm deals with our structural body dealing with misalignments, pain and muscle issues similar to what a chiropractor does we just work in a different way to achieve the same results. We also can release truma from the body whether this has come about from injury, operations, dental work and a whole lot more.
Chemical/Nutritional - this realm relates to diet, gut balance, hormones, supplementation and chemical toxicity in the body be that from medication, environmental factors, house hold toxins, allergens, products we put on our skin to food sensitivities that create imbalances which can manifest into a whole host of ailments and disease in the body such as skin issues, gut issues, hormone issues to name a few. We can also help to balance and support our hormones through peri-menopause, menopause and post menopause.
Emotional - this realm supports our emotions, stress levels and mental wellbeing either by supporting them or releasing what needs to be released due to trauma of all kinds, phobias, anxiety, depression and PTSD. Our emotions play a huge part in our health and wellbeing even down to creating disease and discomfort in the body . This is now being proved on a scientific level. As well as Kinesiology techniques I also use the Emotion code to release trapped emotions if this realm is relevant to you. You can understand the Emotion code in more detail on the section on the website.
Electrical - this realm is about our bodies hydration which is very important to our bodies and balancing and unblocking our electromagnetic energy field to stabilise and ground us. Various things cause energy blocks and disturbances in our energetic field which blocks the flow of energy round the body that causes imbalances and prevents healing. These imbalances can also cause pain and discomfort in the body. This can be caused from emotional stress, diet through to the EMF's we are exposed to on a daily basis and a whole lot more in-between. This realm can be likened to acupuncture but without the needles as we work with the bodies Meridians and Chakras.
I work with people who suffer from a wide range of symptoms including, but not limited to, the ones listed below. My treatment is bespoke to each individual so please contact me if you would like to find out more about how I can help you.
Back pain/discomfort, headaches/migraines, muscle, joint
& nerve pain including fibromyalgia
Not feeling 100%, low on energy, run-down
Food intolerances, animals, pollen
Brain fog, lack of drive, insomnia & low energy, incl. chronic fatigue, ME & CFS
Trauma, burnout, phobias, anxiety, depression, PTSD, psoriasis
Eczema, headaches, fatigue
IBS, digestive issues, food intolerances, dysbiosis etc
PMS, fertility, miscarriages, menopause
Arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia etc
I also offer stand alone Kinesiology balances as well as general Kinesiology appointments please see below:
Digestion Balance - The balance of the digestive system is fundamental to our health and wellbeing. In a nutshell – if we are not able to digest and absorb our nutrients, we are unable to nourish our bodies optimally which can result in a whole host of issues. Equally, if we are giving our body the wrong food it will complain! Often, the symptoms of digestive imbalance are obvious (for example pain, bloating, excessive gas), however an imbalanced digestive system can also produce symptoms that we wouldn’t necessarily correlate to digestive imbalance (for example fatigue, low mood, low immunity). If you would like to book a Digestion balance please advise at point of booking.
Hormone Balance - The endocrine system (hormone system) is a complex system that affects us enormously on every level. Sometimes the symptoms of imbalance are obvious (for example issues during puberty or menopause) and sometimes they are more insipid (for example fatigue, poor sleep, low mood). Many people do not appreciate the disruptive effect stress has on the adrenal glands and what a key component these glands are to the balance of the endocrine system. During a Hormone balance I look at all of the glands that impact this area along with what is required to support and restore balance. If you would like to book a Hormone Balance please advise at point of booking.
Food sensitivity or Intolerance balance - this balance if for when you feel that you may have a food or product sensitivity or intolerance, we can use Kinesiology to test a variety of foods or products that are used on the body such as sunscreens, moisturisers, body wash, washing powders, deodorants, perfumes, toothpaste establish if there are any issues. Clients are also welcome to bring there own foods or products to the appointment to establish if there are any sensitivities or intolerances. If you would like to book a food sensitivity balance please advise at point of booking.
Chakra & Meridian Balance - focusing specifically on balancing the Chakras, Meridians and Aura within our body by ensuring there are no energy blocks and all Chakras and Meridians are flowing correctly and freely throughout the body. We have 7 main Chakras in our body which are like little centres of energy they are not visible to the human eye however when out of balance they influence our physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. This is a very relaxing balance to ground and centre the body. If you would like to book a Chakra balance please advise at point of booking.
Kinesiology is a non-intrusive therapy and I use gentle muscle testing, normally on an arm or a leg, to identify and address imbalances in your body. My treatments may involve acupressure, sacro cranial work, stress release, emotion code, body balancing, gentle structural adjustments as well as diet and supplement recommendations.
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