I have spoken above about how the Emotion code can be so helpful to us humans, it's also helpful to our animals, whatever they are, be it a horse, dog, cat, chicken, guinea pig, cow, lion.... Animals trap emotions just like us they may not trap as many emotions as us in their lifetime as they live far more in the present than we do, but because many of our animals are now very domesticated they pick up on our emotions. As you have probably experienced when you are sad and upset your animal picks up on this and will often try and comfort you. When we are going through these difficult emotional times our animals want to try and help us and take some of the burden which can sometimes mean they end up absorbing the emotions we were going to trap. So in essence end up trapping it themselves, they can also trap their own emotions if something was to scare them, if an animal has been mistreated, has experienced trauma or it could even be as simple as moving house where your animal is confused or experiencing a bit of anxiety due to the change of environment. This in turn can create behavioral issues, blocked learning, fears of all descriptions, and physical body symptoms, just like us humans, which could be resolved by releasing some trapped emotions.
So if this is resonating with you and you think your animal has changed its behaviour or now won't do something that they were quite happy doing before or just won't do something because they are scared or have had a bad experience with or even look depressed, then the Emotion Code could help. As I have mention previously animals are less complex than us so it generally takes less sessions to help them sometimes just 1 session could have a hugh impact but they all vary.
Ian the Pony
This is a personal example as I have a pony called Ian and he loves his treat ball, however one morning I put his treat ball down for him and he went towards it as usual but when he touched it and it made a noise (as it always does) but on this occasion he suddenly backed away and looked at it as if it was going to eat him, then wouldn't go near it. The following day I did the same and I got the same reaction and this continued to happen day after day. I then suddenly remember a couple of weeks prior we had had an incident with his treat ball as I kicked it for him but instead of rolling towards him it hit him instead (due to my bad foot work) as this was not the intention, he was obviously shocked by this understandably but he carried on playing with his ball and all was well. But I wondered if this situation had caused him to trap an emotion and therefore connect the treat ball as now dangerous. So I decided to do an Emotion Code session on him which I duly did then a couple of days later allowing for processing time I offered him the treat ball again and to my amazement he went over to it touched it then just started kicking it around the yard as though nothing had happened and he has been fine with it ever since. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by the situation and it also shows the power of the Emotion Code for animals.
AP the Horse
My friend contacted me recently upset as her house looks out onto a paddock with a couple of horses which are ex-racehorses. However this particular morning she witnessed one of the horses being taken from the field by the owner, the other horse called AP apparently gets very stressed when his friend is removed from the field. There was obviously some medical issue with this other horse as the next thing my friend saw and heard was the horse being put down just outside of this field that AP was in. If you know anything about horses or any animal for that matter they would pick up on what was happening. After this event another horse was placed in the field with AP but AP wasn't in the slightest bit interested in this horse and instead he just stood by the gate where his friend had left, weaving (which is when a horse stands in one place moving his head side to side) this behaviour is generally due to a horse being stressed. My friend said he hadn't done this previously and she sent me a video showing me what AP was doing and it was very sad to see. So I said to my friend that I would connect into AP and ask him if he would like an Emotion Code session to see if I could help him. I duly did this and AP was happy for me to work on him so I removed a collection of emotions until were all done and there was nothing more to be released which was about 10 trapped emotions. I then let my friend know what I had done and the emotions released and said just keep and eye on him over the next couple of days and see if his behaviour changes as it takes the animals, just like us humans a few days to process the changes. So she reported back to me a few days later and told me that AP was so much happier and even when the owner came into the field AP would never normally come over to her and she could never get a headcollar on him either as he would only follow another horse out of the field. However on this day AP went over to the owner and put his head down and was happy for her to put a headcollar on him. My friend said she could here the owner say to AP "gosh AP what's happened to you you never come over and let me put a headcollar on you" which I thought quite amusing as obviously when I had been doing the Emotion Code on AP I must have released an emotion(s) that was preventing him with being comfortable with having a headcollar on him along with coming up to people. My friend also sent me another video of AP so I could see him playing with his new field buddy looking very happy. So all in all this Emotion Code session really helped AP in all sorts of ways that we didn't foresee, which was a fabulous result and my friend was very grateful.
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